Date: 12/15/2017
By headFeed
im exploring this field thats also a hill, i see a bunch of dogs as i pass that are taking a break after herding sheep. a dream friend and i go up a hill to greet some of the dogs. one dog instead of being a sheepdog is a shiba dog, so i call it shiba and everytime i do it perks up like i said its name. im excited that i know its real name. i give it commands in japanese and it does everything i say like sit and stand and search and it finds some weird plants. i look at them and they look like potatoes. i pull some out but turns out for some reason theyre potato and eggplant hybrids. some are soft so i just pick the hard ones. the more i find more the bigger they get. my friend brings a bag and i put them in and fill it completely. the dog comes around and i pet it and notice it has a collar. i see and its name is something with an H like Hatachi or something. the area feels really green and calm, kinda like a hill by the ocean. really relaxing. two kids come up the hill and ask if we want to go to a challenging textile class and my friend decides to go. i just want to find more eggplant things. i see HUGE ones growing on the side of the hill and run towards it. two boys are at the side of the hill and its getting dark so i ask them if i can stay where they live. one says sure but the older one says not to drag me into their home randomly. i say that i have alot of eggplant potatoes that can be all theirs. they say that i have to process them to not be cursed first. and quickly cause “they” will find me. as it gets darker the area feels less calm and purple and ominous. i go to the huge plant things but in order to get to them i have to go through a small temple gate. i open it but feel scared so i close it saying sorry to the temple. i decide to go to this persons house to uncurse the plants. my weight feels very lifty. everytime i jump i float. theres guards searching for someone holding purple lumpy objects, who can kind of fly. its not me but someone else but obviously i will get caught. i keep trying to get ontop of this persons house but miss because of my floatiness. i finally get ontop by crawling up the vines growing on the house. theres a lady ontop who says i have to type a password as she says it. i keep getting it wrong cause she keeps saying something like spaced out ‘T’ and i dont know what to type. theres guards nearby and i duck down behind a fence she has on the roof. one guard that looks like dobby comes up and asks to see inside her house. she says the lights refuse to turn on so the guard does a light spell thing and asks it if the inside is pure. it says its 90% cursed and 10% pure nearby. because of my plants. they are alerted. i have to run. the lady yells at me asking if i even knew what she was trying to say when she said spaced out letters. she meant capital letters??? i wake up