Babies on the menu.

Date: 12/10/2017

By GoldenApple

I was living with Mother and my siblings, just that she was a lot more miserable. She was wasted and passed out on a bed couch looking all sloppy, my siblings were asleep too. I stared at Mother for a bit, studying her face and body, I felt nothing, it was like someone turned off the lights. She had just given birth in the living room. I boiled up some water, I took the newborn and threw it in the pot. It was squirming around and in pain, although in real life it would have died instantly. Mother had another baby, I pressed its face to the fry pan, melting the lips together. Then I pressed its feets and hands and put the rest on the pan. I threw on some veggies and spice. There was a slight enjoyment seeing it melt. There was a crawfish on the table coming with annoying comments so I threw it in. I got our pet birds and boiled them too. Afterwards I shoved the babies in bags. I went to my sister's room, I dragged her out and shoved her head into the pot. Everything I boiled was in bags, I went outside and threw them in the trash. I knew they would probably find it. They found it. They came in the door with their handcuffs ready, but they put them on Mother. They questioned her and then suddenly she was in jail. I was home all alone.