Lost child

Date: 10/31/2019

By PepperDarling

I was going to go with my boyfriends son(in my dream he was 5 or 6, he's 20 now)on a school field trip for Halloween, everyone was loaded on the bus and I had to run inside for something, I get inside the school and there is a dog eating everyone's Halloween candy! So i chase it around and try to clean up the mess and when i get back outside the bus is gone! I start freaking out because i cant remember where they are going, so i just start chasing it? I run all the way across this big city and dont ever catch up, and then i realize that i am totally lost and dont remember the name of his school or how to get back to pick him up! Now I'm trying to retrace my steps to get back and it turns out that somewhere along the way I crossed the border into Canada and committed some sort of crime and the secret police are after me! I woke up after trying to bargain with a u-haul truck office that was also a call center and a hotel/bowling alley.