First Dream w/ Background Music

Date: 1/23/2021

By winterwitch

i was in my moms kitchen and it was dark because the power was out and i was a little freaked but a little relieved since that was gonna be my excuse for not doing my homework. when i looked at the stovetop the lights went back on and i realized michael spilled an entire container of shrimp chow mein all in between the stove stuff(the metal top was removed). i got mad and started cleaning and complained to my mom. my mom got mad and i started boiling water for cup of noodles in the microwave, and refused to give some to michael bc i was mad, but i changed my mind on the soup and instead made tea. when i started seeping the tea i started to think abt the new british show i was watching with my mom and the dream transformed into me watching from a 3rd person point of view of the show. a couple of dudes were in a car driving by and recognized a friend(in their opinion, but i think she wouldn’t agree) outside the car on a horse and shouted at her to slow down. that’s when i began watching her and she started to slow her horse down to a trot, and then changed her mind and started galloping, when she began galloping, the chain by fleet wood mac began playing in the background from the beginning of the song, i was in her point of view and became the girl at that point. as i was galloping i began to think of a past dream i had in real life the previous night and tried to remember it and remembered my younger brother pushing me into an illuminated pool. as i was thinking abt this, my horse jumped over a fence as the chain went into the chorus. during the jump i realized a dog was running alongside me and then i became the dog running by myself. when i became the dog the ending song from eurovision began to play in the background and i thought it was so foggy around me and soon enough i was in the back of a plane but the section i was sitting in was like on of those ski lifts with a single seatbelt bar and the jumps i was making before was the plane trying to lift up but returning to the ground after a second. that was when i told the pilot that we can take off into the sky, just as i said that we sped off the ground into the sky right as the first high note in the song began and the air was colder and the clouds were thick but we were above most of them and the sky was bluish. i then asked the pilot what song was playing and they(i think she) handed me a phone that showed the artist page on spotify and all of the album art had a mask similar to the purge mask and when i turned to look at the pilot i realized they had a purge mask on, i got a little scared but at the same time i also thought that the pilot was the singer and then i woke up from my alarm.