Date: 9/22/2020
By big.fat.meanie.zucchini
With like a king or someone and his daughter in a room talking to another ruler- I seem to be an advisor of some sorts to the local ruler. We're talking about our destinations and travels on the way. I have an elephant in my path while the visiting monarch had a lion in his. We leave the room to prepare for our respective journeys (-the setting is forest high school and I seem to be involved in ruling a nation with a war going on currently-) and as we leave the visitor says goodbye to the local people watching us from below. The daughter gets to the end of the hallways (she's about 19) and looks towards the corridor. Her father and me are still walking toward her. She drops to the floor and a hooded figure has taken her place, it's making it's way toward us, very slowly. We turn around and retreat back into the classroom from where we came. And watch the figure through the windows as it makes it's way to the door, it seems they're crying. The local ruler keeps whispering "its refilwe its refilwe, I know it's her" (and it is actually). I'm walking on tables trying to get as far away from the door as possible. She stops at the door way and the dream ends.