Saving family from Trump

Date: 5/7/2018

By tjhj

A beautiful Latina woman was with her twin daughters when she caught the eye of Donald trump. He wanted her so badly he kidnapped one of the twins and put her in solitary confinement. This was twin A. The only way she would survive was if the Mother became essentially Trumps consort. She agreed. Twin B lived with distant relatives until she became old enough to rescue her family. Fully grown, she stole a car and drove off to locate them. First, she needed a treasure or important clue to there whereabouts. She found it on a distant island on which there was nothing but a large castle. Twin A was submerged in a cage underneath the water, stuck there for all those years. Twin B swam down, searching for the treasure or important key to save her family when she found her sister. Twin A had been down there so long, she had forgotten what she looked like. Twin B understood though it pained her and decided to take her time with the surprisingly sane girl. She grabbed what she needed and pretended to debate freeing the pleading twin A before agreeing. Above water for the first time in a long time, Twin A demanded they invade the castle to confront her tormentors and of course Twin B agreed. Once they were inside, they found only the staff that kept Twin A alive. They killed them I think and left alive only a young child that was their half brother, though Twin A knew not. He knew who they were, having been told the truth by his mother and Twin B shushed him. Once off the island, they all boarded a bus to trumps location. And there, Twin B told Twin A the truth. All three agreed to save their mother. Meanwhile Trump caught wind of the breakout and had melania lock the mother in a tower. “I knew the moment I saw your face you were beautiful but no good for us.” The woman blinked like bitch I didn’t want yo ugly ass husband. But said nothing. The end.