Trapped in a medieval church

Date: 9/20/2021

By bluhamster123

Me Lauren and Desiree were approaching this really cool old building that had kind of long pathway surrounded by a tall trimmed hedge so u couldn’t see what was beyond it. The entry doors were ornate aged bronze. As we stepped through, the ceilings were large and vaulted like a renaissance church . It was sort of dark but you could see everything in the long room there were three huge doorways on the left that were closed and on the wall above them were hundred of metal busts of old people . As we were walking to the end of the hall we were looking at all the busts and they were kinda giving us a creepy vibe. I looked away to the end of the hall we were approaching and then looked back at the busts and suddenly every single one was staring right back at us and followed our eyes as we continued. It was very unsettling. We tried to open the last door but it was locked and then I had this sinking feeling and ran back to the entry door, sure enough it was locked behind us. We were trapped. I tried to break the only windows high up by the ceiling but nothing would break and the items I grabbed to use would disappear in my hand. We were super freaked out but we needed to go to bed so we decided to go to bed In front of one of the doorways. When we woke up the doorway had partially opened to reveal a dark unseeable depth of a room. Noooo way in hell are we going in there. We notice the other doors were slightly opened too with the same ominous dark room inside. Then as we were looking I saw a small old vintage Winnie the Pooh doll was slowly walking up to us it was terrifying. It sat down and it wouldn’t budge. Then a second Winnie the Pooh head rolled down the hall straight at me. I screamed and kicked it at the other doll and it went down like Bowling pins. There also was a crusty old betty boop doll that was staring at us with Pooh. That was The end but I imagine if I had continued dreaming it would’ve gotten so terrifying