Date: 2/14/2019
By ramagam
i was apparently dating ross and we were exploring through what i at forst thought was a huge hotel room, it was half modern and half victorian looking. as were going through a room with old vanitys and wardrobes i notice hes acting weird and twitchy at certain words/scenarios. alcohol and rockets. there was a thunderstorm and each flash of lightning showed me his face more clearly and one of his eyes had gone into a sort of look that reminded me of the creepy dude in geralds game but instead of yellow his were an icy blue. he started subtly trying to get closer to me as we kept walking but his breath was ragged and i could tell something was up. just as i was about to ask him if he was alright he lunged and grabbed my arm, biting it in several places but not taking off chunks and also biting my hands. we wrestle for a bit before im able to lock him in a room. im freaking out but wierdly im not bleeding to bad, just bite marks still. and i head downstairs to talk to the 'doctor' we had on hand, looked like giles from buffy. and somehow i remembered when i found him where we were and what was happening (sort of). it was a simulation house with different rooms set up in various ways and colors and theyd set us out with 15 or so other people around the same age where they monitored us and how we acted. so giles gives me two shots on each middle finger with flat head nails next to it that i had to remove myself (which i thought was weird and unnecessary) but he said the metal helped counteract whatever it was that made ross get bitey so i went with it. after that he comes with me to let ross out and by then hes back to normal and apologizing a little excessively. giles suggests we stay in seperate rooms for the time being and suddenly ross snaps up and gets really upset about it but i wasnt about to be alone with this kid again so we slept in different rooms that night. next day were in one of the monitor rooms. its pure white, but somehow a more cloudy translucent color to it with certain glowy areas alternating from green to blue to orange. the set up of the room reminded me of portal in both scale and novelty. were with a group of people and find our way up a slope into a huge pillow pit type thing. ross is sticking super close to me and trying to talk like bothing happened but i was still weary. we settle with the group and lay in the pile as one guy starts talking about some party and mentions someone doing a keg stand when ross gets twitchy. i try being discreet in getting the others to leave since i know whats going to happen when he starts insistently asking what alcohol was all there, getting progessively more frantic in his speech and by the end both eyes had gone icy. he starts attacking people and me and a handful of people manage to get to the exit where the doctors were watching; but obviously didnt do anything. 3-4 people died and their bites were a lot more bloody. the dream skips and im in the same room but this time with kids from 6-10. im running around with them, theres carnival type games there with bumper cars and lots of pillows strewn about. the same ramp as before is lined with pillows and some kids were just hanging out around them. i went to go lay down when i notice one little girl with geralds game yellow eyes and every kid she looked at she just stared for a couple seconds before moving to the next. super unsettling. at some point she gets up smiling and just starts stabbing this little boy and all hell breaks loose. but instead of staying dead they get up with the same eyes as her and keep killing with her. im already pounding the door by this time and manage to get in. dream goes black and im in a car with a chauffer. im looking at what i can only guess is the outside of this building and the killer little girl is out there waving along with some other people. guess i was leaving. last second before we pull off, the little girl comes up to the window and places both hands on it, above her head and smiles. her eyes flash crazy bright and she slowly brings her hands back and stands away again. she waves and we go. a bit into the drive ross comes running out of nowhere, flinging his body against the car to fet us to stop. and as i watch this hes just moving and reacting to the hits like a ragdoll which was pretty disturbing. we crash just before a suspended railroad track, im able to get out of the car and try to cross it using a chainlink fence that got detached in the crash. ross is close behind and doesnt even blink as hes watching me. eyes are crazy blue and hes still flinging his body around with way more force than necessary (think the movie legion type of movements). i dont think he caught me but i woke up before i found out. felt scared with a rush of adrenaline when i woke up, not exactly the good kind and was actually a little dizzy