Date: 9/26/2019
By pinkstar16121
She was saying something about her performances, but I just remember her talking about how she doesn't eat. She commented how she eats and is able to give good performances because she puts herself first. Next part: I and some guys were stealing from this tree, and the owners of the tree noticed and they were able to move the tree, but there was still a tree there with a single bushel of apples on it that we were about to take, but they moved that tree too. We were like "fine, we'll just go to an apple orchard." Final part: I was Facebook messaging my cousin, and we were talking about my aunt and uncle's dog. She said she felt better now that she moved him upstairs. She lives in their basement with her boyfriend who no one likes because he's never around, although he lives in my aunt and uncle's basement. The dog doesn't ever go down there though, but I guess in the dream that's where he lived, and now my cousin had moved him upstairs. I took this as meaning she had moved upstairs too and ditched her loser boyfriend. We were talking about how she and Jersey (the dog) went out on a date, meaning an outing to this outdoor restaurant, and Jersey had some ice cream. I saw this as we talked about it. I asked her if she did or said it must have been nice to go out with him and she said "Yes we did," and I could tell she was smiling.