Nap Nightmare

Date: 9/6/2019

By baburubān

Ok so maybe I shouldn’t take naps anymore I’m up on a hill with my mother at an old, quaint, victorian church. It’s grey and black and dull. I’m wearing a simple peasant dress. My hair is in a bun. I’m holding a small, brown and white shaggy dog at my arms. A picnic is going on. I walk around and then inside the church. In the back of the church, directly facing the front door, is a glass rectangular box with one side (facing the back) being a wooden door which you could enter. In the bottom of the glass box the wood panels have been lifted up, revealing a bunch of thick, black, hose like wires tangled and reaching out from the ground. One man stands to the right of the box, and claims “we’re doing some construction” Right then, a man pops out from the wires, gasping for air. He yells, “None should go beneath!” And scrambles to get out of the glass box. (He looks exactly like Sebastian Rudolph, the german actor) I walk back outside to join my Mom. The man who popped out of the wires sees me and hands me a card in a ziplock bag. “You should go down there. If you do, and you need help, here’s my number. Then maybe later...” afterwards he mumbled we should fuck after he walked away. Which I smirked at, and wondered if he knew how young I was. I walked around the party for a little bit, as everyone started to move inside. The sun was going to set soon. I felt something in my soul yearning to go underneath, to see what’s down there. And when I saw the girls inside the church snicker at me, I knew I had to prove myself. I fast walked down the isle, went into the glass room (leaving my dog outside) and started to crawl down the wires. The lower I got, the less suffocating it became. It also became harder to stabilize myself, as I fell down the rest of the way. I could see a blue light. (You know when you put led lights in a room? It looked like that, but stuck on blue) a family stands at my feet. I couldn’t get a good look at them, I was too afraid and covered my face; but I could see the father’s slacks and dress shoes as well as the the outline of the mother’s, son’s, and daughter’s legs. I got up, and went around a little pillar through the kitchen on the right to avoid them. The house was.... modern looking. I sat at the foot at the couch. Toni was there but.... not. She was there with me and we were communicating but she wasn’t in this house. She asked if I was ok, and if I wanted to hang out soon. She said Cristian was with her. Right then, I hear Cristian’s voice coming from the pillar. He was wearing a pink polo shirt. He looked at me and said “I want this one, father.” And started walking towards me. I was like HEEEELLLLL NO and and ran into the kitchen, but somehow my running speed matched his walking speed because he was gaining up on me. I could here Toni in my head saying “what? What’s wrong with hanging out with Cristian? What’s going on?” I kept telling her telepathically that I wasn’t there with her physically and that I needed to get out of where I was right now and she didn’t understand. I started to grab and pull on the wires, and I feel the whole family grab at my right ankle and start to pull. I could hear Toni say “Dude, are you alright?” I don’t respond, I just keep trying to break from the family’s grip. I’m able to and frantically start climbing up and up until I reach the top. I gasp for air inside the little glass box again. The pastor, and all at the party look at me in shock. My dog is barking. I ran out of there, calling the number in the little plastic bag. “Charlie, Charlie!!” He answers, But it’s static. I turn left and walk up the hill. I see him, but his body nipple down is cut off. His half body is swaying, almost as if he was on drugs but I can tell the only drug he’s on was extreme pain. Behind him, not too far in the distance, I see a group wearing all black sitting in a circle, all holding candles. They look towards me, and I NOPE THE FUCK out of there. I start running down the hill, jumping down to be faster. I run and run until the hill became cement stairs, and I jump down all the steps to be fast. People walking down the stairs stare at me. I’m at the Mount Hermon stairs heading for the cabins. Everyone was starting to close their cabin doors, and I just keep running and running towards E1. I slip through the door before it slams shut, and when it does I wake up covered in sweat.