Revenge Of The Far Right

Date: 8/17/2024

By WhoPotterVianOffTwitter

I was at this gathering where I was handed a bowling ball and my laptop. The laptop played a video of Sharon Osbourne claiming that the far right had planned to hit those of us who are left leaning with bowling balls as revenge for being left wing, and that to combat them, we should do the opposite: throw the bowling ball at the extreme far right, specifically Sharon Osbourne, Louis Walsh, and Nicki Minaj. I found this trio sat together near the back of the room and read out loud what I was typing on my laptop, that Sharon Osbourne had told me to throw the bowling ball at them as examples of the extreme far right. Louis Walsh glanced at my laptop and said he was not happy at being called extreme far right. I threw the bowling ball at them. It missed. I then changed my mind, and decided I should throw it at my laptop screen displaying Sharon Osbourne instead.