End game-ish?

Date: 5/23/2019

By sugarbelle

So I woke up one day and I was the only person alive. It was really cool at first, but then I thought about how nothing would be working anymore with no one behind anything. There were still a few people out there but idk why. In one part of my dream, I knew I had cancer and I was scared that everyone was gone, so I looked up to the sky and said “God please take me now”. Then, my friend Anthony reed came surprised me and said something behind me, startling me. At first he asked me to go up to my room with him so I could tell him about my dreams and fears. I knew better and all the sudden when I told him I knew he was trying to rape me, he turned into another man I didn’t know. He was chasing me until I got a hold of this tool like a screwdriver or something. I kept stabbing him with it until he stopped. There wasn’t a ton of blood it just hurt him. Then, I ran to the garage where I hid. Then my dog ran up and gave me away. Somehow, I stabbed him when he came and was able to open the garage and escape. I saw two cars. One driving recklessly, and one cop car. I tried so hard to get the cop car’s attention but no one answered me. Then it flashed to me in my car with my mom. She was talking on the phone with someone, something about my grandma. I then learned that my grandma went in for high blood pressure, and ended up having cancer and dying. I never found out which grandma it was, but I also knew I had the same cancer somehow. Then, I went to the grocery store. There, I met up with my friends Lexi Gonzalez and Sara Mislang. There were a few other people raiding the store too. There, I wanted to tell them about my grandma dying and about me having cancer. When I started to tell them, Sara cut me off and asked if I knew about this one couple at our school and how they’re together. She just wouldn’t let me talk basically. Finally I got through to her and to Lexi and I told them that my grandma died. They felt bad for me and asked me which one. I didn’t know. Then, when I told them I had cancer, we all sat down on a plastic lawn chair and sobbed. Then Caitlin ciaradelli walked up and put her nose in our business. After that, I was at a farm house with my entire immediate family. We were looking out into the sunset and the grown out grass just talking. Then Savannah said something no one understood and I just kissed her. I remember being afraid about what was in the tall grass.