Crazy school

Date: 5/28/2017

By Bito

I remember seeing TF1 open the big door to his house and he was putting in a combination from the inside and I could see it from the outside. I was at a theatre and this Somali lady was being loud so she was asked to leave I was at hoyo's house. I think I was visiting the place I lived in. She had some ppl, a male and female elderly, visiting her. I think they were inspectors. But they went to the washroom together and started getting it on. I was at my old apartment and I could see out the window it was winter. Some kid rode his bike across the street and rammed into our fence. Desjarlais was taking me and some other people, Hussein and Bizen and I, to Brandon. We got lost when we got to the city. I remember looking for downtown out the window of the car and I saw the investors group building. We went to a school there and it was exactly like our school even the people there were the same. It's like we didn't even leave. I saw a picture at the end of the hall of my crush smiling big next to my brother. That rich kid from Zoey 101 was in my dream too lol. His mom and sister were taking about how he needs help because he's a druggie and his mom was willing to sacrifice anything to get her son back. They were at my school too There were robots. Like really advanced ones too. They were being created by some guy and I was getting the vibe that he had bad intentions. Apparently everyone thought so. All his robots were white with a green centre, the heart. Another kind of bots were made but I later found out they were made by the same evil fella.