Loft Bed Dreams

Date: 9/14/2017

By toxxicduck

I kept getting woken up and falling back asleep this morning and every time I fell back asleep, I had dreams where I was in my old loft bed and glancing over the edge to see things going on around me. First time, I looked over and my loft bed was super high up off the ground, like three stories, and I was in what looked like a warehouse. Below me, Palmer and Henry were on the ground talking to someone who was off further in the warehouse that I couldn’t see. They were yelling about something but had smiles on their faces. Next time, I woke up (into the dream) and my cat Leelu was in my room. My pile of blankets and clothes was completely knocked over and my Disneyland messenger bag was on the floor. I saw that Leelu had peed on it, so I grabbed her and punished her by shoving her face into it and giving her a smack on the head. Then I picked up the bag and couldn’t figure out what I should do to fix the pee on it. Then I dreamt Tristen came into my room and climbed the ladder to my left bed so he could talk to me because I was wedged far against the wall. I hid myself under the blankets except for my face. He showed me a new haircut he got. It was like long and crazy like Braveheart status. When I woke up for reals, Tristen was actually over and he did have a new hair cut, but it was obviously short not long. Either I heard him talking in my sleep, or I'm psychic.