snowy path

Date: 5/5/2019

By personguy

it was snowy and i was on a trip with most of the jazz band people. then we took a very cramped elevator and we were on this snowy trail. apparently i felt very annoying because i was making comments but people just ignored me. i was zooming down it with everyone else. i remember that eventually i lost everyone and had to go through a really silent and creepy hotel thing. then my dream suddenly cut to this teacher complaint thing. everyone on the snowy trail suddenly marched their way up to my math teachers room as a way to revolt or something. we were demanding that something was unfair, but i dont remember what. then my teacher was like « i need to follow these unfair policies or what’ll we know? she may not be alive today, » and everyone was ok again. then it cut back to the snow dream. from the school, i met with some friends because i had to look for the people that i lost during the snowy trip. i was retracing my path but it was getting darker and more dangerous. it was scary going through the hotel. at one point i took a wrong turn. suddenly i was kakeru for some reason, and my friends were haiji and some other random guy. the other guy got mad at me and pushed me off the edge and into the icy water where i died. then he jumped in and committed suicide, as well as haiji.