Vampire Mom

Date: 10/20/2022

By votaco

In this dream I’m in the body of a Vampire mom. The dream starts with the mom going through a series of very elaborate traps the details I have forgotten. But the last trap was a riddle and after solving it with risk of getting hurt by spikes and fire in the side she pushes in the candle that finally pops out and she shes an Egyptian sarcophagus. She sighs, turns around and leaves the basement. Unbeknownst to her her two sons have noticed she has gone down into the basement and with their female cousin. The sons seem to be teenagers and the female cousin around middle school age. The three walk where the mom just walked and the candle pops out for them. Then the dream cuts to what is happening currently. The mom is a coven leader and very powerful. The coven is preparing to move to their new home which is supposed to be bigger. The current house looks very Victorian gothic with high ceilings. Then her eyes widen as if she senses something she flits to the basement and reaches her hand out to try to stop her sons and niece. Strangely this time there was no fire and there was no spikes. Just the sarcophagus which now opens to reveal their father who has been asleep the whole time they were growing up and the mom standing there bewildered. She thought that the sarcophagus was a joke and that her lost husband wasn’t actually in there. He walks up dramatically and complains that his wife didn’t catch on that’s he’s been in the basement all along and since he woke up early he had to plan to reveal himself to his family. Then when he sensed his sons he decided to do it himself. He hugs his son and then his wife. The mom sighs (15-17) years for a vampire probably doesn’t mean much? After this the dream cuts to them moving to their new home or should I say mansion. It’s in a city but the new home looks more Roman or Greek because it’s got pillars and is a lot bigger. However, they have weird tastes and the whole house and covered in this white with a medium sized black flowers print that the wall and home decorations are even colored with. Judging from what the all vampires are saying it’s supposed to be a decoration for the party? However, the parents notice something is wrong and go to another basement ( don’t know why all the action is in the basement). There is a lady and her son but they are not dressed for the party. The woman is saying something that the couple thinks is suspicious and the mom grabs the Child while the father interrogates her. They end up having a fight and the woman is killed. The child however does not look like he is sad and looks more relieved. Then the scene cuts then finding out from the lady that the coven is being plotted against by traitors. So the parents leave the child with their son and go out into the city to hunt down traitors.