
Date: 6/25/2020

By LaurenTheFierce

All I can remember is that I was at school. It was weird though. It felt like my elementary school. Anyways, I was with a group of friends at some assembly in the auditorium/cafeteria. We all sat in a row of chairs together. I then saw my crush, Tristan. He was with a group of friends too. Next thing I know he’s trying to get past my friends and I and get a seat in our aisle. Things then got weirder as we were all then sectioned off into groups of 4. My group consisted of Liam, Destin, me, and some other girl. My group and I were then taken outside to workout. We all lied down on some mats and got to it. However, I was literally wearing a skirt, so I was then told to just go run instead. Welp. The scene then changed. Suddenly I found myself at Donald Trumps house... I don’t even know, so don’t ask. The inside looked like my house though, especially the bedroom. It was basically mine. It seemed that I was having or at a sleepover as well. My sister and two others were there. One was a changeling disguised as a girl. He slept with my sister... The other girl slept on the floor. In the morning I then decided to sneak out. Grabbing my rollerblades, I put them on an bolted for the door. I was weirdly good at rollerblading, and I made it down all the floors with grace. At the bottom I then ran into a man. I’d have to get past him in order to be free. He was nice though and didn’t make it hard. Thank God. Now on the streets, I rollerbladed throughout them. Going down an alley I ran into a kidnapper. I rolled away as fast as I could, and right into some weird parade. I rolled around and away from them, straight into another building. Idk how to write what happened there though. All I remember is some lady seeing me in a Democrat shirt and asking me how I felt about Biden. Uhhh. Anyways, I then found myself back at school again. I’d gone full circle. Now I was graduating. As I then walked with my dad back to his car, we past this weird lady who was giving a tarot reading to this other woman. My dad and I were weirded out, but for different reasons. Now in the parking lot, my dad ran to go and get his car. He dipped and dogged through the carline line a maniac. I just stood there and smacked my forehead in disappointment. However, I then noticed as he got to his “car”. It wasn’t even a car. It was a swarm of giant parrots. WHAT IS MY BRAIN ON? Regardless, I then ran over to my dad when it was safe. Together we got on those parrots and flew away. Suddenly things changed. I found myself in front of lake I was trying to cross. A giant water monster then came out of it and threatened me. For some reason I knew that it’d been summoned by Trump. Regardlessly though, I then spoke some kind of incantation that summoned some smaller friendly water monsters. They attacked the beast for me. It was slain.