Stadium massacre

Date: 12/24/2017

By pandaitis

I dreamed I was at a small school dance with a couple of friends and it had just ended. I was walking to the car when my niece (she’s 15, not like a baby or something) who was in the car got a call on my phone which she was holding. She answered it and it was my brother Zach joking around and saying a phone number in slurred words. Me and my niece laughed because he’s always a goofy person doing things like this and it wasn’t out of the ordinary. The phone was on speaker by the way. Then my brother said something a little more sinister and unlike him still in slurred words and there was gunshots and screams and he was yelling angrily. It sounded like he might have been at a sports game. We stopped laughing. I tried to find out where he was and what was happening. I asked him if he was safe “no.” “Are other people safe” “no” “did you kill someone?” “yes” “Are you high?” “Take shots of meth and cocaine it’s the best.” “Why did you kill them?” “Because I don’t want people to die” (What he meant was that he didn’t want people to be constantly fearing death and so his solution to save people from having to worry about death was to make it happen early.) “But you caused death” He then realized what he had done and started talking in a more sad regretful tone. I asked where he was but couldn’t understand him in his slurred words and asked again. I couldn’t hear the first word but the second word was bolt. Something bolt. I couldn’t think of anything with bolt in the name. I told my mom and she didn’t believe me at first but soon was in the car with me. She had also brought along my two nephews and other niece who all were no older than 7 years old. I tried to tell my mom that she shouldn’t bring them because it’s dangerous but she wouldn’t listen. She was kind of in denial about the whole situation. I whispered to her that I think my brother had killed someone but she denied that he could do something like that. I asked where we were going and she was almost crying saying she didn’t know. I asked to make sure she wasn’t going to just run into wherever we were going once we got there but she said it would be fine. I said it won’t. The dream ended with her just repeatedly saying “it’s fine”, not necessarily to me but just saying it and I repeatedly said “it’s not” trying to make sure she wouldn’t put herself in danger.