Date: 12/4/2020
By Sssmorgann
Me and Sarah barbey were in a high-rise apartment and it was also an office building and there was some curse or challenge going on that we had to be really quiet and avoid these cats and there was only one cat that could tell we were there that could actually see us and there was some amulet or button that we had to press to be invisible from that cat but we can only use it for so long and if that cat sauce the other cats could pick up on its cues and tell where we were but only that cat could really see us but we still had to be quiet cuz the other cats could still hear us and something happened so that we were all out surrounded by the cats we were trying to be really quiet and then I opened a door and it went into the office side of the building and Jimmy from work was there at a office desk and maybe Mike and Rachel were there as well I don't remember somebody was there and Jimmy did something that made the cats aware of Sarah and so then they got her and she like died and I was so pissed and was trying to find a way around it to get her back or to get her back in the game I'm not sure if she really died and we were trying to use the blind cords to tie them together to get down this high-rise building away from the cats with the cords were really thick like big like just clumps of thread-like huge clumps of thread and so the thread would come undone and be in separate sections while we are trying to tie it so it was really hard and that's why we try to go into the office part and then Jimmy killed Sara and then there were those people that were there that might have been Mike and Rachel there was something about a barbecue and I was trying to get around them and it turned out that Sarah was okay and it was her therapist trying to make her realize something and it was just really fucked up because essentially they killed her to make her realize something and it was really stressful event.