
Date: 11/7/2018

By nexus

My out of body activities have become more linear as of lately, I no longer feel like im my body and when i project I am my soul, instead i feel that i am my soul and the physical body is more of a puppet that i animate to do what i want, in other words im now the turtle instead of the turtle shell. But one can consider the totality of it and not be wrong. This new outlook sort of changed astral projection and my mental perspective, when i project it's like im shedding away the physical layer of things and my movements feel more fluid and responsive, now all i need to do to project is wait for my body to get tired and fall asleep then i just get up and leave I dont lose any consciousness any more. I became more of my higher self through this change of perspective and therefore I'll have multiple o.b.e's in one night and they will feel like a days worth of knowledge and information, going to these abstract places i once considered so impossible to understand but now i realize that i go there every night and the people i see are all my closest friends on the outside spectrum of the universe, today i went out of body and had a long conversation with my friend i had recently got into an argument with in the physical and we exchanged our apologies but he told me since im operating as the higher self I'll remember the conversation but since he is not aware of his higher self he'll only remember thr feeling of making up but not the experience itself. A lot of my non physical friends don't call me by my physical name, they call me Ashaneen and when I am in this out of body state i refer to my body in the third person for example "kwali is sound asleep for the night but ill bring him back a nice dream to talk about in the morning" I am comfortable with the name Ashaneen during the experience but when i come back it's a little different, I will remember both perspectives and so when im in the physical body i am both my soul and kwali, this gives me an outlook on the physical earth different to what it originally was, now i sort of consider kwali as my "here now earth avatar" and whenever I'm out of body and somewhere else i logged off from this server and transitioned to the next, I still refer to myself as my birth name physically to keep it simple for other people. i suspect those who only consider themselves as the soul are the ones who suffer from depersonalization or derealization which i had a problem with until i found the balance. Another projection I had today i actually had a conversation with my normal conscious self which I'll tell you is extremely creepy to go from considering this person as who you are and to then recieve his thoughts feelings from a third person point of view. I remember having the same drives, goals and motivations but now it's like my amnesia is wearing off and the person i was when i forgot everything is now completely seperate from the pereon I really was the whole time. This is what I have learned to be the end of the beginning, im starting to wake up and so I will try and report my evolution over the next phases and states i will encounter