Awkward party man died in my arms

Date: 4/1/2020

By levinelover

I was at a reunion gathering type of party, I didn’t know everyone there but there was a bunch of random people from my highschool. I was sitting on a mattress, we were all sitting around. It was little awkward most people not wanting to start the conversation, and I didn’t wanna initiate anything either. I saw Aylon and instantly felt if anyone I’d start talking to him cause he used to be good friend years ago. I knew it was fine that I wasn’t being social cause nobody really was. Later we were all dancing, I was dancing in my own while also watching everyone else dance. Club Can’t Handle Me song was playing. Aylon was getting kinda awkwardly twerked on by his friend, and he was even more awkwardly trying to grind, he really looked like he didn’t know what he was doing. She was pretty much twerking on his thigh. The two of them had sex before so he felt like he knew what he was doing, but it still looked cringey as fuck! I saw Ryan dancing and contemplated twerking on him, but decided nah. Jonah Sofer came to dance with me, and next thing I knew his skull was cracked upon from the top and his whole head was split open! I held the back of his head with my hand and brought him down to the floor (song still playing) and he died right in my arms on the floor. I wondered if it was my fault.