The amish

Date: 2/14/2020

By emilyassoulin

I am being held captive by this amish cult. The have me and 6 other girls trapped in this hospital like building. All the walls are made out of huge cinder blocks. Probably to block out the screams. I am in a small room with white walls and floors. There is nothing but a tv and a chair in this room. Im not suppose to be in here. I panic as i see a woman in a nurses outfit pass by the door. I hide in the corner to stay out of site. From the room i can see a exit sign with arrows pointing to the left. I think now is my chance to make an escape. I walk out of the room and turn left down a long white hallway. I then see another exit sign with arrows pointing to the left again. I turn and see a door. I feel relived as i start to walk towards the door at a normal pace as to not alert anyone. A group of people are walking out at the same time as me. I think good, i can blend in and not be caught. I am now outside. I take a few more steps and i hear someone yelling “stop her!” I start to run. They must have caught me because now i am in a huge yard surrounded by an electric fence. It looks like a prison yard. Me and a few other captives just stand together, not saying a word. The next thing i know i am in public. I must have finally found a way to escape because i am standing outside a shopping center. I go into one of the clothing stores and try to act normal, like i hadn’t just escaped. I am sifting through the racks when i get this eerie feeling, like someone is watching me. I leave the store slowly, trying not to draw attention to myself. I am walking down the side walk when i feel a dark presence behind me. I don’t know why but i turn around. It is one of the amish people from the camp. He stares at me and reaches out to grab me. I cant breath.