Weird dream

Date: 2/8/2018

By awalker406

I was walking across the field, near where I used to live growing up and I came across what looked to be an old abandon caravan with vines coming out of the windows and wrapping around the caravan, being claimed by Mother Nature. It had a mystery and spooky look and feel to it. Outside the caravan, next to the door, was an wheel of Fortune. I try to make out the words on the wheel but the dirty wouldn’t come off. I hesitated at first but then I try to spin the wheel, which wouldn’t spin at all. I gave up and walked away. As I walked away, I started to hear clicked noises. Next scene: I was walking around town that later morph into the countryside. There was a tent with a group people sitting in a circle, on a sunny day. They were all chatting away to each other and completely blank me. My friend was sitting inside the tent with a bag of cocaine and snorting some. “What the hell are you doing!?” I said. “My life is ruined. It’s too hard to continue on” she replied. She looked bad. Her beauty was fading with her dignity, fast. I grab the bag off her and disposal of it. I gave her a hug for a brief moment and then she disappeared. I was so confused and lost on why she would do this. I exit the tent and the group of people change into my old uni mates, all painting miniatures. I joined them, feeling even more confused on what the hell was going on. Next scene: I was back at school walking thru the old maths block to find room 59. As I was searching, every door I opened lead to the a canteen area. I couldn’t find the room and gave up. I walked outside and joined my dad on the bench. He was joking around but I felt something bad was about to happen to him.