Good ole cross country

Date: 5/7/2020

By LaurenTheFierce

I had yet another cross country related dream. I was at one of our usual meets, running the coarse as I use too. However, it didn’t look like the actual meet. It looked more like it did in one of my previous dreams where I visited the same place. Boys were also still running while us girls were running. It was weird. I felt good though... until I started running in grass. Idk what it is about grass but it always messes up my running irl and in dreams. The speed difference when I was running on concrete instead was very noticeable. It was so weird. Regardless, I got to a weird point while running in the grass that the cross country coarse turned into someone’s yard. I ran to their house. I never went inside though. I just got into their car, which was actually my car, but I didn’t like it. I love my car irl. Lol. My cross country friends then showed up and my old best friend Isabella handed me the keys to some cute red car. I hopped in, turned it on, and immediately fell in love with it... because of its ability to play music differently. Weird. Much earlier in the dream I also remember being in another yard / field outside of someone’s house. Ig we’d came here to hang out and run. As we were hanging out though, we saw a herd of people running by in colorful running shirts. It was just as I was about to leave and go running with a friend too. Either way, we still winded up running, but it was against the crowd. Very dangerous. One thing I remember about it though, was that my crush, Tristan, cheered my friend and I on as we left.