
Date: 1/31/2019

By Sam-wants-to-sleep

I was with my sister in the car with my Mom in the front seat. My Mom was going to get out to go to the store, for some reason I couldn’t see the store but I knew she was going in the store. Before she left we all noticed that two men were eyeing the car good. My Mom opened the door and walked too the other side of the car and rolled up its windows. She locked that side and walked back too her side, she rolled up the windows and locked her side. She slammed the door shut. She then finally left, my sister wasn’t paying attention to the men but I was, I watched as they neared my side of the car, the men looked like uglier versions of Leonard Snart and Mick Rory. Leo tried to open my door. A timer went off in the real world which woke me up, I turned it off and went back to sleep. I was back in the car with my sister, Leo and Mick were no where too be seen, I sighed in relief, that was until Mick popped up next to the right side of me. So the only thing separating us was the car door and glass, the window was a little lowered so he tried to stick his hand into the car which didn’t work, so he just told pulled his hand away. Another alarm woke me up, to which I just turned it off and went back to sleep. I was still in the car but Leo was looking at me and just me. He said in a smooth voice, “Where do you live” I looked too my sister and saw she was panicking as well, I just shrugged and he backed off. Another alarm woke me up and I when I turned it off I saw that my sister wasn’t with me in my room, I didn’t care so I just went back to sleep. I was back in the car and Mick and Leo were both standing outside the car watching me, they smiled at me and Mick asked, “Which street, Cleveland, Backstreet, Tustin, Townson” I felt myself freezing up at that last one. Cause that’s were I lived, I stuttered, “Cl-Cleveland” both Mick and Leo gave each other a look and left. My sister started yelling at me, “Cleveland is so close to Townson” I nodded but I felt sick to my stomach. Another alarm woke me up to which I turned it off again and went back to sleep again. I was in my room now worrying about what was happening, it was a school day so I needed to leave, when I was almost out the door I turned on the news too see Leo and Micks Faces on the T.V, they both looked like the real ones now. I almost screamed but turned off the T.V. I walked downstairs and opened the door. Leo and Mick were standing outside looking at me with a sadistic grin. I was so scared. “Guess who doesn’t live in Cleveland” Micks ruff voice echoed through my house. I stepped back to which they stepped forward, with each step back they took one forward. I was pressed against the wall with Leo and Mick looking down on me. Another timer woke me up to I turned it off and went to sleep (it was becoming natural for me) I was leaving school while looking for my moms car, I hoped in and no one was inside. The car started and took off, I guess it was normal for cars to drive by themselves cause I wasn’t panicking. The car turned and turned. I wasn’t scared when the sun went down and I was just driving in the dark. I got out a Book and started righting notes, I have had this book ever since I was two so I was almost down with it. I looked up from the book too see that a huge truck was in front of me. The back of the truck opened and of course Leo and Mick were there. I tried to open the door to get out. Out of nowhere the car was brought to a ruff stop. I slammed my head against the window and everything was blurry. I opened the door and walked around, I couldn’t tell what was happening but I tried to leave and get out of the danger. Leo grabbed me and threw me into a big suitcase. I was holding my book to my chest like my life depended on it. I gave a small cry when the lid of the suitcase was closed. It was big enough for me to sit down, I couldn’t see anything since it was so dark. I heard heavy feet walking too me. I whimpered when the suitcase was open and stood there Leo and Mick. I was terrified. They finally got me, I’m going to die. Leo reached towards me to which I scrambled back dropping my book. Leo looked a little hurt but grabbed the book, he went to the first page, “Found out the hard way that you don’t say Sneeze Sneeze in front of me” I felt my nose twitch. Mick bent down and put his hands up like I was some scared animal he was trying to catch. “Sneeze” I felt my nose start to twitch and felt my throat starting to feel like it was getting tickled. “Sneeze” just like that I started sneezing and sneezing. Mick looked up to Leo too see him smiling at me, Mick looked at me again and whispered, “cute”. Just like that the police were there, yelling at Leo and Mick to step away from me. Another alarm woke me back up, again I went back asleep I was in 3rd person mode, it was like I was floating around while my body was there still. I was in court with Leo and Mick sitting on the other table beside me. It looks like I’m trying to set up a restraining order up against them both so they could keep away from me. Leo stood up with shackles and all, he held a microphone and walked in front of the court. I floated in front of him, “Me and Mick will give up once Samara says I love you” it clicked in my mind, why they tried to get me, why they wanted to know where I lived. I then knew I wasn’t in danger, I was just being corned by my stalkers. Instead of feeling relief I felt anger, how dare they expect me to feel the same as what they felt. I wanted to scream no. But I knew go get out of this I had to do it, “i-i lo-“ my earthly body fell down and looked like it was having a seizure, I looked to see Leo and Mick trying to get to me but was being led away from me and away from the court. The alarm for 5:50 am rang and it woke me up, I was trying to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. My sister walked in and made a huge noise but sat down on the couch. She laid down and got on her phone. I just knew it somehow inside me I was not going to keep dreaming the dream. So here I am writing about it. Nice 👌🏽