First Aid in the Shade

Date: 6/17/2019

By FloatingAway

Lydia Troy and I were cycling into town together when I decided we needed to stop at the bridge before town. It was really sunny out but we sat down in the shade and I told Lydia that she needed to be sure she remembered all her first aid training before we went anywhere. She agreed but was kind of annoyed and so I sat down on the road and pretended I had a broken leg. She started treating me and was using her shoelace as a bandage (but in the dream that seemed normal) and we talked about how I had loaddsssss of freckles all over my arms even though in real life I don’t have any. We were there for ages and the sun started to go away and Lydia was pissed off that I had made her stay in the shade doing first aid rather than being out in the sun. I felt pretty guilty because I didn’t mean to waste her day like that. Next second a car started heading towards us really fast from the crossroads and I remembered that we were sitting in the middle of the road this whole time, and my stuff was all thrown around the place really messily. I was trying to grab everything but my body couldn’t move properly and I kept dropping stuff or not being able to even reach it in the first place. I asked Lydia to help but she was annoyed with me so she only half heartedly tried to kick my stuff out of the way. At the last moment I managed to move most of my stuff and jump out of the way of the car. That’s all I can remember lol