They don’t want me alive

Date: 10/9/2020

By jaysun

Going to Vegas soon with Maggie. It’s still unclear if we want to leave this week or next, but we’ve taken days off work already. I’m working on an art project but it keeps falling apart, and finally breaks into pieces when I try to hang it. I’m back home in a small house with Maggie and the family. It’s by an intersection on the road kind of like Kershaw. The police have stated they want to arrest me and kill me due to my crimes against humanity. I recognize it’s a dream because it’s too crazy. I don’t have a weapon so I try to avoid them as best I can. I wake up. I’m at the same house as before, the cops are gone. I hear people shouting outside and see what’s going on. There’s a militia out on the street and they’re firing shots at a house across the road. A couple bump past one of them on the sidewalk and he shoots at their arms at point blank range but lazily and miss. He sees me through the window and turns his gun in my direction. I duck just as he fires. There’s a knocking at the door. I hear my family scatter. I run downstairs shouting “DO NOT open the door DO NOT open the door”. I find my mom and stepdad on the sofa and she hands me a vial of liquid - “take it”, she says. I refuse and ask where’s the gun where’s the weapons and run into the kitchen to look for a knife. I can hear her say “it’s for your own protection, it’ll numb the pain too” and I yell back “that’s what the alcohol is for” I wake up.