Strange place/strange boy/glass orb

Date: 11/24/2017

By Bonny

I was in a strange place which was a cross between a field, inside a house and in a broken down farm house. It was on the side of a hill so to walk anywhere you had to walk up or down. I mostly crawled as I think it was steep. There was a boy there who i didn’t recognise. I can’t properly remember, but I think he was being teased for something he’d said/made/did(?). I think I had a crush on him- I liked him despite him being bullied and weak. In fact I think I fell in love with him in part because of that-I saw something different. We cuddled a lot. His parents weren’t home and he said they had the tendency to leave without explanation and come back without explanation. They were gone at the moment. I vaguely remember getting some new tattoos. We danced together and cuddled and made all kinds of future promises together. I vaguely remember it being stormy - dark clouds, flashes of lights. The parents came back and they were mine. I reverted back to being a teenager and they were mad at my sisters and I for I can’t remember what, but buying/doing something f while they weren’t there. I remember calmly explaining it to them and I think they got it. There was a glass orb which was moving around the floor. I was scared of it but talked to it. I somehow knew that it had been told to come to me because it wanted to enter a race. I told it that I’d it rolled into my hand I would take care of it. I remember talking to it as an inanimate object and then being surprised when I saw it move. I can’t remember what happened to the boy. But the feeling was the same as in the Familiar Stranger dream a few months ago.