The heart attack

Date: 12/23/2018

By daphg

I was in a high school, what was supposed to be my old high school. My actual high school was a one story building but in this dream it was a tall huge building with hundreds of floors. Several scenes occurred throughout my dream. One that I remember was meeting up with one of my good friends, steffani, after class. She was rebellious in this dream. She wanted to skip class and go to a football game. For some reason I knew we were no longer in high school yet everyone from high school was at that game. Almost like a high school reunion. Sophia made a comment about big people and offended a girl next to us named Halsey. Halsey hear steffanis comment and mentioned hat she had been trying to look Wright in be arms but that there was nothing she could do about her belly weight. After we left the football game and went into a game lounge. It was very unique and there was an arcade and different people in there. Then it skipped to another scene. I was in a bedroom, I think I might have been about to have heart surgery but I was told that the doctor needed a football to check something very important first before the appointment could continue. Me and another person, a boy went running as fast as we could downstairs to a room that had a football in it, that was our goal. However in order to reach that room we had to run past the library and a librarian who disliked us. Had ran one way I the other, while he was running past her she was saying that we weren’t allowed in the library or the room I was running past her while she was distracted talking to my guy friend. It was the most strange type of run, I was almost on my back running past her super close to the ground so that she wouldn’t see me past the windows . She was saying that I was not allowed there because I did not do good when I was her library aid and when I heard her talking bad about me my heart started beating from how fast I was running away. I then felt myself shaking. I remembered I was in a dream and that there was no reason to stress about that, I was going to be ok. When I felt myself waking up a noticed that I was laying on my back with my knees bent towards me. This was very strange to me as I never sleep this way. I guess I was using my bent legs as leverage so that I could shake myself faster and pretend that I was running at super speed. Yet the most strange part was that when I woke myself up I felt my heart beating extremely heart almost like it was in overdrive and about to pop out of my chest. I put my hand over my heart and felt it pulsating and my body was shaking and rocking slightly sideways as well. I’m not sure why I was so scared over that librarian in my dream so scared that I almost had a heart attack. Maybe because of the doubt that I in myself. Always thinking that people think badly about me and never being sure in myself. Perhaps that’s what I was running away from in my dreams.