Stressful Work, Beetles, and New School Year

Date: 12/28/2019

By CalMehJuly

My house as beetles that fall out of the ceiling. From my basement to my whole house. The beetles are huge and black with long antennas and many legs. It's scary for me to sleep because of worrying what would crawl on me. It was like a horror movie. No it was one. My mom would crush beetles at its head and the beetle would gooze out. My family and i were on the bed fighting for our lives. There was like a secret tunnel roof that was light peach and was kinda safe but small bur still had a few beetles. I saw it. I saw it all. It was like a beetle war... School was happening. A new BRAND new year of school. I walked around worried I would be late abd what would await. I saw my old science teacher Mrs.T. but she retired...? I was surprised seeing her here. I went to a classroom that was meant for another teacher who taught social studies i think. The classroom was like a 4th or 5th grade classroom because it had a rug area. The tables were in rectangles. 6 or 3 people per table. We got to pick our own seats. I was busy looking around paranoid people would judge me. Everyone already had made their own forever friend groups. Socializing perfectly. I picked a random seat next to a guy. Oh great I wished I picked a seat next to Charlotte bc shes nice (she sat on the other side of the room and the room was pretty small) I saw Dill and RP and other classmates I know (probably I don't remember all) The dude I sat next to was Peel. He and I go way back to 3rd-5th grade until we separated for middle school. He looked different and more cuter from the last time we met. I was like r u peel? He said yea. We talked and laughed. Good friends. Finally. A friend I could talk to and not be a loner. (It was a bus with all the students ? IDK? Red bus?) I was at school in the auditorium. It was also a cafeteria. The seats were long rectangle shaped and the tables were long rectangle shaped (just like in 4th grade). Every student was there with their belongings. I was there with a ton of work. Math work and a history project. It was all due today. I was super stressed out. Like super. I was rushing. I didnt get and understand the work (especially math). It had random confusing math graph problems. I had 2 more pages to finish. The history project I had to draw a cover or something. I wrote Peak or Peek or something started with P in bubble letters as a quick sketch because time was running out. I did this thing where I would put my 5 fingers together like Ochako in BHNA and make a wish. There was Mr.Cowell a judge from AGT in a glass booth doing music as entertainment. I was like if I put my hand on these stack of papers (homework) and you dont come here and solve for me he will die and so will the principal. Pretty much me being desperate and weird enough to threaten my mind to force myself to get my work done for a good grade??? I woke up so IDK the ending for that dream. But dreams dont always have endings.