
Date: 9/26/2017

By ShadowOwl

I was watching a TV where they announced that a new disease had broken out and was spreading. The news person said that while they didn't know what the disease was, it was spreading at an alarming rate. I turned off the TV and the scene changed. I was leading a Boy Scout troop on a hike and there were several other troops. We were in a parking lot about to get on a bus and head out to the trail. We all boarded three buses and set off. We didn't get very far when the bus in front of us abruptly stopped and we crashed. I was knocked out from the impact. When I regained consciousness, I was the only person on the bus. I got out using the emergency exit window since the door wouldn't open. Once I was out, I started walking up the road since there was camping equipment and backpacks that had been dropped on the road. I eventually reached a small group of boys and a man. I didn't get a chance to ask them anything before there was a scream from up the road. Several boys ran past us and we saw that chasing them were what I thought was other people. The other "people" quickly reached the camp and it was obvious that parts of them were badly damaged/decayed and that they were zombies. I panicked and started acting like I was a zombie too, hoping that the injuries I got in the crash would convince them. Another guy tried to the same. All this happened in a matter of seconds. The chaos quickly ceased when one of the zombie boys spoke. He said that he just wanted to play at his basketball game and just try to live a normal life. The man quickly vouched for the kid since he was the basketball and was willing to give the zombie kid a chance. Very quickly the leader of the group said "Then it's decided. We'll have a basketball game and invite lots of people and show them that we can be normal." I did not want to go to the game but the group was escorted by the zombies. There was a time skip of a few days. The school was my elementary school. There were a good amount of people in the cafeteria and also a lot of zombies. I noticed the zombies stayed by the exits. I went into the gym and sat on the bleachers. I was supposed to be in the pep band but I noticed the rest of the percussion didn't show up. I became worried about them and the rest of the band because there were so few of us. The game started and I took this as my chance to escape. I knew that the zombies lured everyone in this gym as a way to pick is off easily. I got up and walked into the cafeteria. I headed towards the exit that lead to the parking lot when suddenly three zombies started walking beside me. I recognized one of them as the guy who lead the group that I encountered. "Where are you going?" the guy asked. "I'm just going to grab a granola bar from my car and then head back here," I said, hoping they'd be satisfied with the answer. "I hope you wouldn't mind if we joined you," the girl stated. I walked the car, hyper aware of the two guys and the girl zombies following me. I talked with the girl for a bit about food until i reached my truck. It wasn't my truck, it was actually a friend of mines. I went to the back door since I though it would look less suspicious. I acted as if I was reaching for something across the seat. I quickly jumped kn, shut the door, and hoped to the front seat. I started up the truck and started to drive to the best of my ability. The truck was a stick shift which I never learned how to drive, so I didn't go very fast. The leader ordered the other zombie to catch up and get on the truck. The zombie guy did and hopped onto the back of the truck. I panicked and started to drive faster and more reckless to try and knock him off. It didn't work but he also didn't try to climb into the bed. I figured it'd be fine to leave him for now. As I drove down the empty road, I saw a huge rainbow in the sky. I thought it was odd since there was no rain but I was more focused on how beautiful it was. I actually called back for the zombie guy to look at it, which he did. He then climbed into the bed of the truck. I thought he'd try to get in through the back window but once again he didn't try anything. I just accepted it and continued driving. The sun was setting and I reached a bridge just as I ran out of gas. I was extremely fearful since I'd have to leave the truck. And there was already a zombie I'd have to face in the back. I looked in the glove compartment and was able to fine a pocket knife. It wasn't the best but it would work. I quickly hopped out of the van and got an alert like I was in a video game. I knew that "24 eyes were watching me" which was supposed to help me know how many zombies were around. I got into a defensive possision facing the zombie in the back and started with walk backwards onto the bridge. He got out of the truck once I was a good ways into the bridge and he also started to walk into the bridge. He then said that he'd take care of the zombies behind me and he turned around. He too got into a fighting position as several zombies emerged from the trees on that side of the bridge. I turned around and saw that two more were on my side. I had to trust that the zombie guy did have my back and I started to attack the two the were in front of me. After a lot of dodging and slicing, I managed to knock one off the bridge. I quickly turned to see that the zombie guy was fighting the other zombies and was exceptionally well at it. I turned my attention back to the aggressive zombie. He lunged at me several times and he was able to wrap yellow sting around my right arm. I give a yell of both frustration and fear as I try to twist my arm free. The zombie just ends up twisting my arm in a way that hurts so much I drop the knife. Before the zombie could take a bite out of me, the nice zombie dude attacked the one I was fighting. I was able to grab the knife and help finish the zombie. I looked at the guy who helped me. He had brown hair, green eyes, and had parts that were decaying on the right side of his face. I introduced myself and he introduced himself as Ade. He and I walked and kind of talked. (This is so long already I'm gonna have to shorten the rest) We stumbled upon a camp with zombie people and survived a night there and we both almost died the next morning. We met a girl survivor who was unsure about Ade helping me but still agreed to help us take down the leader at the camp. It ended up being too much for the three of us to tackle to we retreated and she went back to her camp of survivors. Ade and I went another way. I asked Ade why he hadn't killed me and he said it was because he was in love with me but then denied saying it later. We came across a house that was not locked or boarded up so we assumed it was empty. The inside was in perfect condition and we were greeted by a way too happy smiling couple. I jumped in front of Ade afraid that they'd attack him. I then became very afraid as they continued smiling and I began to wonder why they didn't need to secure their house. Then I woke up.