Digital art, Create an image of the group of avatars in the dark void, celebrating their escape from the 13th floor of the building.

The 13th Floor

Date: 7/5/2018

By MsBananaNanner

I’d dreamt up this great video game idea called “The 13th Floor” and had told some people about it on some Internet forum which was like Reddit or something. Someone on the site had took my idea and made it into a real thing, and they were telling everyone about this preview event for it. I was kind of irritated that they’d straight up just stole my idea, but I also sort of just didn’t care and I was excited to see if it was actually any good or not. So I go to this preview thing, and it’s kind of like a VR game thing I guess because we’d all be standing there in the scene, and sometimes the characters would speak to us and interact with us, but sometimes we just watched. It starts out as just the little video cut screen thing and its this guy in Central Park with his daughter who is running around playing with flowers or whatever. The guy is really tired and dozes off for a second and when he wakes up his daughter is just standing there staring at the sky scrapers. He follows her gaze and sees she’s staring at where the twin towers were, except they’re both there. He blinks in confusion, but then it’s back to just one. He shakes it off as just his imagination. Now we’re all in one of the city buildings, a good hundred stories up. I can tell it’s the world trade center because I can see the memorial of the other one down below outside. There’s two cops with us, one man and one woman, and they’re trying to arrest this criminal man by the looks of their handcuffs. The lady cop is very confident and tells the man “Don’t think you’re getting away. There’s no plane crash to save you this time.” They criminal doesn’t look too uneasy about the situation, and instead just looks calmly to the big paned window. Everyone turns to look and a bunch of people next to me gasp. Low and behold, there’s a plane heading directly for us, smoke pouring out of one of its engines. The whole place is shaking, like an earthquake, but it hasn’t even hit yet. Everyone is running around frantically screaming, though most of them are still smiling because they think it’s a really interesting game and are having fun. I can’t see the plane anymore, and things are starting to crash around in the building. There are sparks from dangling cords, and smoke all around, and for whatever reason, water has begun to start filling the place. Another earthquake sends everyone flying. The cops are no longer trying to restrain the criminal, they’re just trying to find a railing to hold on to. The criminal still only has one side of the handcuffs on so he can move about freely—as much as the rest of us anyway. I start to wonder if the building is falling or something, because we’re all just kind of floating up in the air, but it’s still easy to get thrown about if you aren’t careful. Water keeps pouring in and its rising fast, so everyone is trying to climb to higher ground. The male cop still has his handcuffs, so he hooks one on his wrist, and one on the metal railing. Gravity was just whack I guess because people would randomly get sucked out the top of the building, which is why the cop was so eager to secure himself. His plan didn’t quite work though, because in an instant the cop was wrenched upwards in the air with such force that his arm ripped clear off and his body was flung into the sky. I looked for the criminal. He didn’t seem phased at all. Calmly he would climb upwards using his open handcuff as a hook of sorts, to hold him to railings, and then he would ride the air pockets or whatever it was that was making us float, up to the next and so on. No one else was watching him. Everyone else was scrambling around trying to figure out how to survive. A lot of them were drowning in the water or had been flung into the sky. For whatever reason there were some handcuffs near me so I hooked one side on my wrist like the criminal had done, and started following his path. When he got to a certain height, he flung himself through a window and then—poof, he was gone. Disappeared into a magenta and blue little cloud. I didn’t know what it meant, but somehow I knew that was the way out. Some other people had seen him do it, and they too followed his path with their own handcuffs. A lot of them were much closer than me so I tried to pick up the pace. When I got to the strange window, I hesitated a moment. If I were wrong I’d be flinging myself outside this building when I was who knows how many floors up. I clasped my eyes shut and leaped. I opened my eyes and I was in this dark void with all the other people who’d jumped through. I was strangely aware of the fact that these were our avatars and not truly “us”. Anyway, everyone was congratulating each other on figuring it out and everyone talked about the game and if they liked it etc.

AI generated interpretation We were all talking about how the 13th Floor was the most innovative game ever and how it was totally worth the risk. This dream could be interpreted as representing a fear of being taken advantage of and not getting credit for your ideas. You feel frustrated that someone else has taken your idea and made it their own, but you also feel excited to see the outcome and are willing to take the risk to see if it's worth it. The dream is also symbolic of risk-taking, as the characters in the dream have to take leaps of faith to get to the next level. The dream could also be a representation of the idea that one's ideas can have real world value and be taken seriously, even if initially it may seem like an insurmountable task. The fact that you made it to the 13th floor could be interpreted as a sign of success and overcoming obstacles.