Lucid Boarding DUUUUDE😎✌

Date: 9/7/2017

By ImprovdHat

I was walking with my sister and dad down this endless hallway and my dad was being kind of a jerk. I'm not sure why he was upset, but it seemed to my sister and me that he was overacting. The more we walked the more we got annoyed with each other and the more cury and lumpy the floor got. Then my sister and I had skateboards and were rolling down the hall as my dad blamed us for whatever he was mad about. We decided we'd had enough, so we picked up the pace on our longboards and left him in the dust. Eventually the hall way led to this divide. There was a plain, fire-exit type door on the right, and a weird hole in the floor on the left. It turns out the hole was actually a loop-de-loop ramp going down under the building. My sister and I choose that one. Together we went down this tunnel formed by colored bedrock stuff. It was more like a video game than anything else. Soon I realized I was dreaming and nearly woke myself up. I considered changing the dream to my pirate ship, but was having a lot of fun skateboarding. When I got bored, I made obstacles in the form of jagged stalagmites rise from the floor so I'd have to go dodge them. When my sister and I reached the end of the tunnel, I lost control of the dream. At the end were two steel ramps, one steeper than the other. My mom and nana approached us from behind saying they had to chase us the whole time. I was too afraid I'd fall of if I went down the steep ramp, even if I was only ten feet off the ground.