Verizon Fraud

Date: 10/30/2016

By Snowpile

So back story in real life: I recently got some fraud with Verizon cleared. Dream: I called Verizon to verify that they had sent a letter that I need to get my credit cleared so that I can buy my new house. The fucking idiot on the phone said that I owe more charges. I was like "THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY I OWE CHARGES!!! I HAVE NEVER HAD A VERIZON ACCOUNT IN MY LIFE! LET ME TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR RIGHT NOW!" So the supervisor gets on the phone. He explains that my account in LA has x amount of charges. At this point I flip out even more FUCKING screaming at him on the phone that this "IS CLEARLY MORE FRAUD! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU ALLOW ANOTHER FRAUDULENT ACCOUNT OPENED IN MY NAME RIGHT AFTER YOU JUST CLEARED ME OF THE OTHER ONE?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS EVEN DOING FOR YOIR JOB?!" I was fucking livid. I had them shut down that account immediately while I was on the phone and said I wasn't paying a dime and they better not let this happen again. Jesus. The faith I have with Verizon in FULL dream form. Gotta say though, it felt SO good yelling at them in my dream. My wife said I was mumbling so I wasn't yelling while sleeping but the yelling was coming out as mumbles. Man.... Quite a dream!!!