Date: 6/8/2019
By Fitful
I was in the very very far future. It was so far X-mas was thought to be an ancient holiday. And then the dream was even farther into the future where X-mas was thought to be an ancient God. It was like a post Apocalyptic thing but as if the Apocalypse had happened millenia ago, maybe more than once. Technology wasn't the same yet, and some things which were normal here like a bicycle were completely alien there. I was being taken care of by my family. I was young but I was also crazy. They literally thought I was insane but they hid it from social workers and lied alot about my condition. I had my own apartment via a social support network and my family often traveled with me, hoping frsh air would make me well, and kept an eye on me. You see I was kinda crazy. My mind jumped and maybe the 'travel' my 'rich' family did was all in my head as dreams. In a dream it's hard to tell if I was as actually crazy or not. I had visited my family's farm, land plot of growing things. They escorted me, against my will as I hadn't wanted to go, with a little girl who was always in front of me. I created a bicycle to ride for us since one of us wasn't well to walk. I think it was her. Or me. Idk. We saw a bunny and then we saw the plot of farmland. This was almost desert country, it was all dirt and dry red dirt at that. The plots were raised and kept in wood squares like blocks in a city. The dog and two of my parents men ate all the garlic they were growing, which they called onions. Later, when the social worker came by my house I remembered that had been a dream and my mother refused to acknowledge it. I couched it in terms the social worker could not tell it was a lie or a dream or make believe but she figured out I was unwell anyway. She took me away from my parents, decided to update my mental status with the network and we went to the kitchen counter right there in my living room to order me all the things I hadn't been able to provide for myself. I looked in the mirror and what I saw made me cooperate. My teeth were all black, not in pain but black, as was my tongue and lips. It was like I had two sets of lips, one which I painted black with a lipstick and the others along with my teeth and gums which were black by disease. The difference was discernable by the silver skin beneath the black that showed when I spoke, like cracks in chapped lips. I realized I had a disease which was very common in the time I was in and I was actually very sick. The social worker bought me cereal after household stuff. She was making her way through a grocery list to make sure I had everything I could need. I asked for rice crispies and corn and rice and wheat chex cereal and rain brand and some pink sugary cereal my mother ate which I wanted to support her habit. The bunny in my parents house was a nuisance and kept jumping the counters in the kitchen and wandering around. We couldn't keep him down and it tracked disease I imagined all over the counter with his little feet which went everywhere.