Where are my shoes??

Date: 7/3/2018

By Nuclear

I was in a theater, a big big theater, the building had 2 floors and each floor had about 50 screening rooms. The place was crawling with people my age, I also came with friends but for some reason we didn't enter the same theater room when the movies started... I walked over to the room number I had on my ticket, alone. While I was watching the movie... I don't remember it happening but apperantly I took my shoes off. When the movie ended I walked outside to my friends and realized I don't have shoes on... I panicked and ran back to the rooms, but I couldn't remember my room number, I kept running in and out... Checking the floors for my shoes.. At some point I saw someone picking up a pair of shoes, near where I sat for the movie... I got excited and went over to claim them.... But no, they weren't mine. The theater was starting to close, all the store owners packed their things...