
Date: 3/15/2020

By IndridCold

I was waiting in a line for something, and I realized I was in the wrong place and had to go to the back of the line, which was waaaaay back. I went back there where a heavy set girl w glasses was at the end of the line, I finally decided screw this and rode away on this little scooter like device. I was jumping these little metal guard rails. I heard one of the tracks from the new Tame Impala album playing and I looked over to see a bunch of skateboarders doing street tricks. I owned this strange black exercise bike that was very futuristic. I didn’t even really want it. Some guy was giving me the sales pitch on it because he didn’t realize I already had it. At one point I was in a car and drove through a grocery store parking lot. I drove between a guy with a weapon of some kind and this couple. He was planning on assassinating them but I unknowingly interrupted him. He was really angry and started throwing metal darts (like dartboard darts) at the car. They missed and I thought this was funny. I laughed out loud at him and someone in the car warned me that I may have made a life long enemy. Later I was in a car in a cul de sac. There was a man who planned to hypnotize me through some torturous method so that he could know everything that I know. I vaguely remember this but I think I was infiltrating his organization and I knew things that he didn’t know. I seem to remember being a female at this point in the dream, I had short hair that was dyed blonde. At one point I was lying in bed and my brother came to the door of my bedroom and said something very quiet. I told him to speak up, but I still couldn’t hear him. I told him again to speak up and this time I actually said it for real and it woke me up. I woke up with a very intense feeling that there were multiple people in the room with me. There was someone at the door, there was someone up close looking at me, and even someone in the bed beside me.