Date: 3/4/2021
By space_tubbs
i had a weird dream where alondra and eddie were hella popular with all the harry potter characters?? like i saw them all together and draco was being rude to me after i had accidentally bumped into him, but alondra and eddie didn’t notice. then saul told me he had a gf, which i didn’t believe so he told me to go back in time and see. well u did and i stood corrected- i returned to normal time and made my way to my class. the school was weird- every time i dream about it it’s a mixture of my high school and both my previous middle schools. it’s wacky. but alexis and i were taking this class where our books appeared out of thin air. and our text books were the fairy tail book you see at the beginning of shrek 💀 but moving on, our classroom was set like a weird theatre room and the fairy godmother came flying down from the top- she was our teacher lmao. after school ear sunset there was an outdoor concert where all my friends and i met up and watched the stage. i was too busy having an internal monologue to even pay attention to ana talking to me. i decided to go to the bathroom where the water pressure was shit but i went inside the school afterwards. as i made my way to a random hallway i decided my day felt weird, and it wasn’t good overall. so i traveled through to time again and made it back home in the morning to start the day again. idkk but it was just a lot of me going “what the fuck” the whole time