Im a slut with passion

Date: 6/26/2020

By lucyv17

Basically it was set in like the world of pretty little liars. I guess I was like one of the characters, I think my name might have been Jessica or something. Anyway, pretty sure it was like s5 ish, and were were all by this random dock, which looked a lot like Santa Cruz, even tho the show literally does not take place near water. Anyway, so we were all trying to figure out who A was, who’s been stalking us, and was likely a murderer. I don’t even remember what we did or how exactly we ended of conversation abt A (I guess maybe we just gave up and called it a day, idk that’s literally how the plot seems sometimes lmao), but I remember after I was one my phone. It should also be noted that it was one of those old ass slidey phone things, idk what they’re called my sister used to have one. But I remember texting an unknown number abt meeting them at the alley by the dock, and I was pretty sure I didn’t tell my friends abt this. Anyway, a minute or so later, Caleb shows up, who’s basically this guy from the show who’s the love interest of Hanna, who’s one of my friends that’s also being stalked/tourmented or whatever. As he showed up, we looked around to make sure nobody was around and then hooked up behind this shady bar in the back alley. So ya this was a surprise, guess dream me, or show me or whatever you call it was kind of a skank, and also apparently a bad friend. Also btw the whole dream kinda felt like the style of the show, so like there were scenes and stuff, and dramatic music and stuff. Also it was somehow partially censored, even tho it was literally me who was having sex w him, idk. Anyway, so he leaves, and it cuts to later in the day, where it’s getting dark. I’m still by the dock for some reason, sitting on this bench, when Emily walks by (she’s one of my friends). So we talk for a little abt A, and then eventually the mood changes, and this one song starts to play, which ussually is played in the romantic scenes. Yup, you guessed it: we start making out. Another fucking secret romance. It was very dramatic, and very passionate apparently. So we start talking abt feelings for a while, when she says she has to go, because she doesn’t want her girlfriend Paige to find out, who’s also on the show. Also, it’s hard to say, since technically I don’t totally know my own feelings in this weird dream show thing, but I think I like her more than Caleb. Idk if that means my dream world character is actually gay, or if I just don’t really like Caleb. But either way, I’m a rly bad friend, and person tbh, bc I’m literally having secret relationships with 2 ppl who have girlfriends. Like, damn I rly am a slut. Anyway, so it cuts to the next day, and I’m pretty sure it’s the evening again. Not sure what had happened since then, but I know that I’m really upset abt something, I’m pretty sure it has to do with my brother having a drug problem (which btw might also come from my real life in a weird way), but basically I’m crying over by this fenced in the city, and it’s starting to rain. The song in my veins begins to play, but it’s only like the beginning part, which is a lot slower. All of a sudden, I see Alison (one of my other friends, who has been missing for a year and presumed dead until recently they found out see was kidnapped the whole time) walking behind me. The lighting shines deeply on her face (which happens in flashbacks of her on the show, so it makes sense) and I turn around to see her smiling. Basically some context from before this dream (which is kind of a weird concept, since how do I have literal past memories when I’m in a dream) is that when they found her, the police had called us in to see her, and me and all my friends came in to see her. So then in the dream show thing, it cuts tot a flashback of after we reunited w her. Basically we had all slept over, and all of our friends were alseep, and it was just us. We kinda looked up at eachother and i looked into her eyes, and she grabbed my hand and started to hold me, without saying a word. Anyway, that was the flashback, and then it cut back to the present. As I cried, she started to hold me again, and we started talking abt what was going on w me, and she basically was there for me, and really understood me. Then the music started to get quieter and quieter as we looked at eachother, and then got loud as we kissed (which was basically just like it would happen in the show). And also there was that whole spinning camera thing. So ya, my slutty ass dream self was having yet another relationship, except this one was the most real. I think it was kind of based on the relationship with Emily and Alison in the show, in that we both have had feelings for eachother for years, but were too scared to admit it, especially since she hadn’t even come out to anyone. But anyway, we have this really beautiful moment and I realize that it’s her that I’ve loved all along, even though we never really knew it before. Then the music starts the get quiet again, and there’s this sequence of dialogue that I remember very specifically from the dream: “I have to tell you something.” And then she asks what, and I say “I’ve been seeing Caleb and Emily...” and it gets quiet and she looks down for a little and seems sad and I say “I’m not finished” and then I say “I’ve been seeing Caleb and Emily.. but I’m not anymore, or at least I won’t be. I can’t see them anymore” and she says “why” and I say “I can’t see them because I’m already in love with somebody else... you” and she looks up and kisses me and we end up together I guess. Idek, this dream is just too fucking weird and apparently tv shows make sluts seem romantic somehow. I mean, I guess the whole been friends since kids and reuniting for unrequited love was kind of romantic, but honestly, it was kind of a poorly written dream, which is a weird thing to think abt but idefk anymore. But ya, that was the dream, enjoy