Road Rage // Kids Are Assholes

Date: 1/21/2020

By TastesLikeWallpaper

I was driving at night, heading to Walmart. I got to a 4 way stop sign intersection a little after a black pick up truck. Instead of stopping at the stop sign, he drove straight through it to beat me. I hate when people don't use their turn signal or don't obey stop signs, so when I got behind him, I held down on the horn and beeped at him for a few seconds. He drove on a bit farther before doing a sharp u-turn. I realized what he was doing a got scared. I didn't want to be chased down by some dude in a car at night. Quickly, I yanked my car down a side street, did some cool kind of movie-style car manuever and whipped my car into someone's driveway in a matter of seconds. As soon as the car was parked, I took the key out of the ignition and cut the lights. I waited silently in the dark basically holding my breath to see if the guy in the pickup would turn down this street looking for me. It was a tense few minutes, but I didn't see his car. I decided to wait a few more minutes before leaving, but suddenly the garage door to the person's house opened. A black uncle/older father walked out with his 20 something y/o son. "...What the heck? Who's car is this?" The son asked. "Ion know, but it's nice." They started talking about my car, and came to stand in front of the window, so I rolled it down. I started to apologize for being in their driveway and tried to explain the situation, but the father cut me off and kept saying "No, no, no, no, no, get out, leave" without letting me speak. I started to get frustrated because I was still scared about the pick up truck guy, and I couldn't tell him that because he refused to hear me. I tried to explain again, and as I was, a bunch of little kids ran out of the house. I'm terrible a guessing kid's age, but they could walk and talk so I would say they were 2-4, and the oldest of them were 10. They ran out into the parking lot and street. The father told me to leave again, so I said "fine" and started my car. I started driving out, but I didn't get far before a kid stood in my way and refused to move. After someone pulled them out of the way, I was able to drive out. For some reason, it was at that point the kids decided they were going to be assholes. They all stood scattered in the street, and a bunch of them stood at the end of the street, blocking it so I couldn't leave. I didn't know what to do. Eventually I found out that if I inched close enough to them, they would move so that they wouldn't get run over.