cherry chocolate talenti ice cream in the car

Date: 1/4/2022

By ooflla

- me n katie were playing in the fort in my old backyard. we were making fake food with sand i think and there was this pipe the water went down to the ground and it came back up in another spot in the yard, but the water didn’t come up there it was just looping up there ig. as water went down we were kinda both wondering how it got cleared out down there or if mud was just sitting building up in the pipe down there. - i was picked up with katie to go to a water park. her mom gave me cherry chocolate talenti ice cream in the car (we each got our own different flavor, although i didn’t get to pick really) i thought it was strawberry at first but then i saw it was cherry chocolate and that sounded really good. - at some point we had to drive down this really steep hill and there was a light at the bottom. (i think i’ve dreamt this before) and the light was turning red as we could see it more so we were going too fast no matter how much they tried to drive slower, so we had to run the red light. there were a lot of cars coming and i got a very bad feeling we were gonna get hit. we somehow missed a lot of cars, but slightly hit one. i heard a little noise when it happened. we didn’t get hit too bad, though it did send us a little bit off the road we were going into and we basically just ended up pulling over. we continued on our way to the water park lol - i didn’t realize i was supposed to bring all my stuff, then i didn’t realize i needed tampon when we got there and were changing. idk where katie went but me n my mom- turned to my dad later- were trying to find stuff i needed - this dude named gavin or something had british and french accent. he kept saying stuff with a british accent but would add some french words in a good french accent too idk. i think he liked me bc he was kinda following us around and talking to us. he was talking to my mom a lot trying to impress her and talking to me a lot. i think he was a bit older than me. he was a bit of a golden retriever. i wish he was in more of the dream lol - i was trying to find a bathroom that had a tampon - they decided to wait with this dog (looked like cocoa) outside in a grassy area). i noticed the dog was just sitting in this paper bag/lunch box or something - i was running back and forth trying to find the bathroom and kelly finally showed me it. but then i didn’t have my wallet (or phone) for a quarter so i had to find who had it and it was my dad?. so i went to find him again but when i got back to the hallway it was different. it was a nursing home hallway and my dad came with behind in his wheelchair - a lot of old ppl were in the way now and i was trying to hurry and i was like excuse me but this karen said it at the same time as me who i was trying to get past. she was giving this dude a tan hanger and then dropped it so i picked it up for her but she looked mad at me. - i ran through and found another hallway but i was going to fast to see the broken glass sign and i was barefoot so i had to put my feet down sparingly. i didn’t get any glass in my feet and then had to turn around and do it again bc that way didn’t lead anywhere. - i went down this step i found for the elevator but somehow ended up on this ladder thing on top of the elevator and had to carefully climb down - i found the bottom again but this police guy was like someone has been murdered/hurt idk and accused me has another suspect - i was like i’m just trying to find a tampon dude omg but he didn’t believe me - i think the hallway with the bathrooms i was going down before was closed bc of the murder or whatever so that’s why it was confusing getting to it - he had to confiscate my shirt??? but then felt bad bc i was completely flashing everyone then and gave me his scarf so i wrapped that around me uncomfortably - then katie or someone my age joined us and we, more her, showed the way for the police person and went in this elevator squished in to go to a floor that didn’t make sense. she was going up stairs then to get down and we were like ok no - we went back down - on the way to the grassy area we saw someone, maybe katie or someone like her (idk i never decided) in a stretcher but she was still alive. i was like omg my shirt but she was using it as a blanket so i started to take it and was like mm nvm nvm that’s yours now - we went outside and were walking and we saw this school really far away getting out and there were a shit ton of kids. - idk when this was but at some point i was just chilling for a bit at the middle bottom of this set of stairs. then it seemed like ppl from the top office or classroom or something were let out so they kept coming down and i had to move slightly to get out of the way every time. so i eventually went down the stairs and stuffed this huge wad of money in my left pocket and put some in my wallet along with change i had…i’m pretty sure i didn’t steal that…i think i just had that money but i was kinda worried someone might think i stole it. - if i kept sleeping i wonder if it would’ve turned out to be gavin so i kept sleeping. (i slept for 17 hours…)(didn’t see gavin again though) - me and this other cop (i think) went to the side of the building and it was dark out by now. i asked how far the hospital (ig thats where we were) to the school and she told me it was about a minute away by foot (lol wat) and to take this path. there were a lot of paths and they were all going up this mountain so she was trying to point out the right one. - i went up and i think i eventually found the right path. also katie or someone kept appearing in this dream…she was here now in front of me kinda leading the way on the path. she started pretend skiing a little on the snow when it went downwards more. - we fell into the snow a couple times and it was really deep so one time i almost fell in fairly past my head (so like around 6 feet of snow) - at some point we ran into this very evil man and had to run fast. katie was now this little creature or something idk. we came to a snowy clearing from the trees and since it was dark we just lied down in the snow. but he found us, or at least me as he grabbed me and was like i’m going to tie you up in the woods. - he took me to this place farther into the woods past the clearing and tied up my arms and legs. or maybe just my arms??? he was like don’t look down hehe and i could sense i was extremely high into the air somehow. then he pushed me so i started swinging. i swung into this group of bears and then when i swung to the other side i swung into a group of wolves. i decided to stop swinging and hide from those behind the tree. (ngl i was disappointed that’s all he was doing if u know what i mean) - idk what he was doing but he was working on something nearby. - then i think it went to katie’s pov and she flew over to help people find me. there were people who she helped find me…i think my dad or cops idk. they were looking in this abandoned building then they went to this boat. she flew on to the boat and told them about it. - i can’t remember what happened next i think i just woke up, but i think i was still swinging there and trying to keep my boots from falling off. katie was doing that too with her boots bc when she was flying they kept getting close to falling off.