
Date: 5/12/2018

By emmaoftheleighs

I drove myself to this aquarium and I went in and I was looking around. It was cool except it wasnt really an aquarium it was more like a pet store. While walking around I ran into my ex girlfriend, Rhianna, who was working there and she tried to talk to me but I couldnt hear what she was saying. During all this I kept going back outside to my car and every time i went out all the doors on the left side were open but luckily nobody took anything. In the beginning of my dream I was talking to this lady who was selling tickets I think and she was trying to plan what to put in a tank and I was giving her suggestions. Suddenly I was with Ty Yoegel and he was like let's go get a tattoo and i was like ok and we went and I couldnt get one because I didnt have the parent thingy signed cause I'm not 18 so I left. My mom kept texting me and asking why i was at a tattoo parlour and I told her my friend was getting one and needed moral support. Then I was in this city with my sister and we were going out to dinner with my parents and my brother. So me and my sister get in this water and it's really warm and it feels like a hot tub. But we get in because to get the restaurant we have to go under this bridge like a ship would go under a bridge. We talk to the guy running it and hes like I can only let you through if you have someone picking you up on the other side or an adult and I was like dont worry my parents are right there. Then they got in the water too but I didnt know where my brother was so I asked and they were like oh he's walking and I was like alright. And then my mom was like do you know what your brother's planning for father's day tomorrow and then she handed me this flyer. Then these 4 trampolines appeared and there were these games or whatever and it was supposed to be like a giant video game and my sister found these plastic eggs with the little toys inside and we started throwing them around at each other and that's it