Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Create an image of a crystal clear ocean with shallow waters, puffy clouds floating in the sky, and a bright sun overhead in a clean and perfect world, where individuals can defy gravity to fly or levitate, set against a backdrop of a town with brick homes, crowded along streets with metallic details and fall leaves, as a person with wings explores freely.

Different Dimension (Lucid Dreaming Part 2)

Date: 11/16/2017

By DreamCarousel

(I Woke up at 6AM) The next section, I was in a place I knew I'd been in before. I wasn't sure if it was in a dream, or in a different world/dimension. That's when immediately it clicked in my mind that I had power in this place. Both because I had played around in this place before, and that I realized I was consciously in a dream. I'll try to describe the world as best I can. When I opened my eyes in this world, I saw a vast crystal clear ocean. It was mostly shallow all throughout. The sky mimicked the same shade of blue, and a bright sun just like ours illuminated the whole thing. There were some puffy clouds floating by. But the world looked clean and perfect. There was no land in sight yet (I'll bring it up later). I saw my sister from this world, not my sister on Earth. She had short and straight golden blonde hair, lightly tanned skin and freckles. She was in an orange bathing suit, but it was different from the ones I see on Earth. It was shaped like a vintage bathing suit, the ones from back then that were like a one piece and the bottom has shorts. I just recognized her and I remembered how we played on the ocean with our powers. On this planet, we could defy gravity to fly or levitate. So we would just drop ourselves from up above to splash in the water. We swam around, and found some big rocks to sit on. Suddenly, she looked at me after we had stopped playing and told me that I should probably go to school. So I followed her by flying to a small mainland we had. The borders of the land had cliffs made of the black rock. There were some beaches, and the sands were very fine grain and a white color. The homes of the people were made of bricks mostly, but their homes were all shaped different and had at least 2 or 3 floors. So we got to school, I barely remember what that looked like. But I do remember going in a classroom and I knew it was for a test. We had a substitute and the substitute looked like my Earth sister. Most of the male students had crushes on her or thought she was hot. I took a seat by the window facing the ocean in front of her desk. The test was passed around, and the thought came to mind that this was a makeup test. Because I had started it on a different occasion but never finished it. I tried to start it but the rest consisted of long dragged out math problems. I sighed and looked out the window at the ocean and saw that my sister was playing out in the ocean again. I had a bad feeling about the classroom. I had dreams before in which I become too lucid and some sort of lucid dreaming regulating people come in and stop me. This classroom gave off the vibe that it was a regulation chamber. I took my test and put it on my Earth sister's desk and my other classmates started complaining about me. They were mostly the male students. The female ones didn't care all that much. I slid open the window, and crawled out to stand on the ledge. All the people in the classroom were yelling at me. But I ignored them, and with my mind I imagined my wings sending me into a powerful take off away from the school. That's exactly what happened, I got away from the sketchy school. My sister told me I could go explore, that she was going to play some more with her friends. Her friends were smaller girls than her and had short hair as well but dressed differently. So I flew back to the mainland and I felt very good soaring over the town. I took in all the details, even though the homes were crowded along streets, they were big homes. Some had red shaded bricks, or brown shaded bricks. There was variety. They had Metallic details, small emblems, wall decorations, or the windows would have swirling metal details dividing the glass. Fall leaves bunched up on the street edges, and people were out and about. Doing yard work or strolling peacefully. I arrived at a park on the edge of town that you could see the ocean from. I landed on a tree and smiled to myself while I admired the intense fall colors on the trees. One tree had very creamy light green leaves with dark purple ones. The others had red, yellow, and orange leaves. I stared at the detail of the bark and the idea came to mind that I knew I could stay here. I knew I could stay here and leave behind my life on Earth. I'd been sleeping and I could just disconnect and not come back. But I thought about my Earth life, and decided I couldn't leave some people behind. I then took off from the tree, once again manifesting the ability to fly. It was more like, I was trying to connect my mind to my wings and move them appropriately. I either had angel wings or fairy wings. I wasn't sure which ones I had. I landed on a business street and laughed while enjoying the sight of small businesses. I rounded a corner and it was sort of an alley or old street. It was overgrown with vines and untrimmed trees. My feet led me to an old house, the only one on the street. It was Victorian style, much different than the houses we had now here. It was white, and had faded pink details. I approached the front door, assuming no one was living in it. I opened the door and stepped inside. I walked to the right, and found a bathroom. A single window was on the right back wall on top of a sink that had been covered up. To the left there was a squat toilet that had been covered up as well and there was a shower head on the wall. The drain was affixed to the faded tile floor. I turned to leave and noticed a private modern toilet next to where I had entered. Someone had attempted to modernize the house or was in the process of it. I walked back to the front door and faced the twin stair ways leading up to the second floor. They were steep stairs, not like human stairs. I walked up the stairs, and was on the second floor, the second floor had a single stairway like the ones below sitting between the two stairways. I headed to a bedroom to my left. The front door clicked open and I heard a man yell in what I thought was an Asian language. I flipped my shit and ran to the door behind the stairwell that led to a balcony. I sat up on the railing, and had trouble taking off with my wings because I was nervous. But I took off nevertheless and landed in the street below. I calmed down and for some reason went back inside and went into one of the bedrooms back up on the second floor and found a guy around his teens living in the bedroom. I told him I was sorry for exploring his house and I thought he was an angry old man. He was actually sort of attractive. He had short messy black hair and a pretty face. He was KIND OF like Taka from One Ok Rock. He said it was fine and that he lived here and was fixing the house. Then I sat down next to him on his floor bed and talked with him for a while. Then I told him how attractive he was and he asked me if I wanted to smash basically. So all of a sudden I was laid back on the floor bed and I saw that he had a penis, but it was different. It was really big and long, which was average for the males on this planet/dimension. I rubbed it with my hands or whatever and I tried to put it in me. So then we smashed and I woke up in the middle of it. The end.