
Date: 3/26/2024

By princesslimabean

I was making a meal. Then this guy person comes out with another girl with their hands on each others backs. But I was under the impression this was going to be a date, or at least a “get to know you” between just the two of us. So I was a bit confused and disappointed to see that. When I bring this up to the guy, he acts a little surprised and just like, nah, I didn’t know that’s what this was. Then he said he was thinking about coming out while I was cooking and helping me then. I said, “but you didn’t do that”. No… he just kind of shrugs his shoulders like he doesn’t know why he didn’t do that. I felt frustrated and just disappointed and upset that this was such a waste of my time and effort. Interpretation: gosh this dream feels very real for me. Potent / alive. My energy work yesterday focused on forgiveness- especially of myself and my reaction to a situation out experience. As opposed to trying to forgive a person or what they did. Focusing on my response and asking myself if I can forgive that. Can I forgive my confusion and expectations and disappointment??? Wow it is hard to even look at that. Which makes me feel like I really HAVE to look. Can I forgive my confusion and expectations and disappointment? And sadness? I can look at it. I can feel it.