Amusement Park Ride

Date: 10/26/2020

By ghostkitten_

At an amusement park/ landowne fair. Mum & dad are both there. I'm home from college. Cecil is there too, but he's a bit younger I think- he's about 15lbs or so smaller. Mum's FAHRs isn't as bad. She seems less stressed. I was going to grab the bus home, but I spot Ally and Ceec, which shifts the dream to this. It's a feeling of fun, comfort, and familiarity. Everything feels safe and warm. It's the end of the day, so Ceec and I are going on as many rides as we can. There is only one roadie left, but he hops between the rides. Ally and Ceec are on a teeter-totter bumper cars, riding again and again. You can press a button (1, 2, or 3) that determines the force of your decline into the other person's car. (The ride is designed for 3 or 4 people on each side). I get on with a stranger, a kind-looking older man in his 50s or 60s, in good health. Mum and dad cheer for me. Of course, I don't weigh enough to take on this man! Haha. But I try! He encourages me too. I press the 3 every time I remember, otherwise not pressing anything before my descent. He maaaybe presses the 1. He still wins every time, his car revving up and driving on top of my car's hood at the conclusion of the game. Mum and dad get on one, finally. They pull out unlimited ride bracelets and put them on, which surprises me. They have only ridden like one ride- the ride we all went on at the beginning of the night. As they board the ride, mum playfully pokes, "Let's see if we can fight fair." Dad laughs. They clearly have a history with this ride, perhaps going all the way back to their courting stage. It is nice to see them have fun together.