A nice romance

Date: 10/15/2017

By naya

I was a dude in this dream and I was taking a blind girl on a date to the movies. We walk into the theatre and someone greets us at the entrance. "Hi what movie would you like to watch" I look up at the movie list and I also can't see, it's blurry. "We're both blind. what do you reccomend?" He began mumbling a bunch of movies and I couldn't understand him. "ok we'll see that one" (whatever it was) I said. When it was time to pay I got paranoid and started acting blind since I said I was. But then if I acted blind it would be obvious and look weird so I just acted like myself and hoped they'd think I was a pretty skilled blind person. My date pulls out money from her wallet and I think "shoot traditionally guys are supposed to pay" so I push her money back to her and pull out my wallet and take out a 50.