Date: 1/30/2021
By zoeynoel
I’m in an old trailer I used to live in as a kid and I wake up in my bed with my ex girlfriend shelby. (Why the fuck I dream about literally all my exs I’ll never know) anyway my mom calls me and starts cussing me out bc the police tracked her down and told her I vandalized a Dairy Queen with my brother and an old friend named cassie when my brother was still alive. In my dream my brother was the one who did it but I just tagged along I guess. Sooo then I get a call from police and they start asking me questions and I don’t lie to them I just tell them what happened. Apparently we threw cinder blocks into and on top of the Dairy Queen. They ask me to come outside so I kiss shelby and I go outside onto the porch and my mom is in her car with a megaphone cussing me out. A bunch of my relatives show up and they start cussing me out too. Then the police show up and for some reason they wanted to arrest me, cassie and my mom. My mom gets out of her car and cassie shows up and she tells us we can make a run for it in her car. So we run to her car but she runs into the woods I end up driving her car off just to get away