Dream: Mutant Recall

Date: 1/13/2021

By Ecnelis_Lataf

My name was Nellie… but sometimes it was Neal. The joys of being someone who was a woman by day and a man by night. I was one of many who had mutated genetics. The transformation part of my genetics was the simplest part. However, I could also manipulate a person’s blood. My body was almost never tired. What would take most people about an eight-hour sleep cycle to be re-energized only took me about four hours of sleep maximum. I had done pretty well at hiding my mutations from the world. I even had it set up where I took online classes (as Nellie) and worked at night as Neal. All of this so I could blend into society and live a somewhat normal life. Over the years I had met others who also had mutations. Some just had small mutations like heterochromatic eyes. Others had kinetic abilities, psychic links, or manipulation of their own cellular structure. I even met an actual talking cat before and nearly had a heart attack. Said cat has been my eyes and ears since our encounter. Yeah, I never said that all who had mutated genetics were going to be human. Then things changed. My peculiar cat, he told me his name was Simon, had started noticing some from our group were going missing. I told him to stay at my place for the time being. I didn’t want him to get captured by animal control after all… or by something worse. A lot happened after that. Kind of a blur really. I had been investigating the missing people. I had gained an ally in a man named Cliff. He was a Blinker. The term often used to represent those who could teleport. Whether themselves or others or even objects, from one place to the next. The downside is it drained him so he needed a lot of protein in his diet. Think of “Blinking” as an extreme workout. Dude was pretty fit outside that too. He helped me with my investigation. He could get into places that I couldn’t. We’d meet up once in a while. Sometimes he’d meet me as Nellie. Other times he’d meet me as Neal. Either way, he would meet up with me, we’d trade information, hang for a bit to seem less suspicious, then we’d part ways. Something happened during one of our “detective runs” as Cliff called them. We got captured and the people who snagged us were anti-mutant people that thought our kind was an abomination against God or some shit. They were gonna try and have Cliff kill himself. Said he could either kill himself, or he could kill me, but either way, one of us had to die. He was ready to kill himself. Held the knife they gave him and aimed it at his heart. I closed my eyes and felt the blood magic surge in me. I opened my eyes as Cliff stared wide-eyed at me. His hands dropped the knife and came together as if in prayer. In an instant, he’d vanished. I’d forced his system to use his teleportation to get him out of there. I pushed my blood magic again. Forcing it through these anti-mutant assholes. I closed my eyes as I knew what was to come. I prayed that Cliff and Simon might forgive me. Then I awoke.