Date: 4/25/2018
By klee
I had this dream right as I was waking up. I was snoozing my alarms but I knew I had to wake up sometime between 6:15 and 6:20. In my dream I was waking up, just like irl, and I opened my eyes and there was a little fairy man standing on my pillow. He told me that 6:19 was a wrinkle in the space time continuum and if I tried to wake up at 6:19 I would disappear. He explained it by making a wrinkle in my sheet and saying that if I got up at 6:19 I would poof through the wrinkle and end up “on the other side” of the sheet, which I guess in his metaphor symbolized existence. It was really trippy since I was dreaming about waking up as I was actually waking up so it almost felt like real life