Digital art, A surreal art installation featuring an increasingly tall row of eccentric toilets ends in tragedy when a celebrity-filled outing takes a fatal turn, leaving one person dead and two others conspiring to cover up the incident under the guise of a special friends club.

Tragedy of the Tall Toilet

Date: 6/9/2023

By MsBananaNanner

I was friends with Chris Pratt and we decided to go to this art installation nearby that was set up on an out of season ski hill (summer, so no snow). We road the lift up and were surprised to find the art sculpture was a row of toilet stalls that got progressively taller. The one at the very end was just this toilet on 20 ft stilts and it looked so hilarious and absurd but you just couldn’t look away from it. It just loomed there, tall toilet. Everyone was taking turns sitting on the various toilets and taking selfies or getting pics so I decided I’d climb up and sit on the Tall Toilet™️. Once I was up there I started questioning if it was a good idea because there was a breeze which made the whole thing sway. I looked down to see if Chris was taking the pic but he was chatting with these two other guys. I strained to see who they were because we didn’t come with anyone, and I realized it was Elon Musk and Pete Davidson. I kept trying to get Chris Pratt’s attention because I wanted to get down, but they were all deep into this conversation. Then one of them like went to slap Pratt on the shoulder but he wasn’t ready and it knocked him over, into Tall Toilet’s stilts. I screamed as the whole thing crumpled and sent me hurtling to the ground. There was a sharp impact, and then I was watching the scene and my own body as a ghost. The three of them were just staring at me waiting for me to get up. Chris Pratt bends down to see if I’m okay and freaks out when he realizes my head is bleeding and I’m almost certainly dead. He ran off to go get a towel or something and while he was gone Elon and Pete were discussing in hushed tones about how they had to do something—they couldn’t have news of this get out and be connected to them. They agreed they’d try to cover it up but if things went south they’d pin it on Chris. Chris Pratt comes back and he’s distraught that his friend is dead, which I found endearing because at least that meant one of them cared. Elon explains how he has people who can make all this go away, as long as they both agree to be his friends and join his special friends club. Pete’s in on it so he of course agrees and does everything to convince Chris that it’s a good deal and he should take it. Pratt is a bit suspicious, because why would Elon have people who can “make this go away”, that makes it seem like this is a normal occurrence for him. Still, he doesn’t have many options so he goes along with it and they inconspicuously try to drag my body off into this like abandoned barn or something and bury it under hay. I wanted so much to tell him that they were just using him and that the moment they had to they’d blackmail him and frame him for everything, but of course no one could see or hear me.

AI generated interpretation Based on the provided dream, there are several potential interpretations that can be made. One potential interpretation is that the dreamer is feeling a sense of unease or discomfort in their personal relationships, possibly due to a fear of betrayal or abandonment. This could be indicated by the events of the dream, particularly the moment when the dreamer is left without support from their friends and is ultimately left to die alone. The fact that the dreamer is unable to communicate their concerns or warn others of potential danger could also suggest a feeling of powerlessness or isolation. The Tall Toilet sculpture in the dream may represent a sense of humor or absurdity that the dreamer uses as a coping mechanism. The fact that the toilet stall at the end of the line was extremely tall and imposing, and that it ultimately led to the dreamer's demise, could suggest that this coping mechanism is not necessarily effective or healthy. Additionally, the presence of characters like Chris Pratt, Elon Musk, and Pete Davidson could represent elements of the dreamer's own personality or social network. Elon Musk and Pete Davidson, in particular, may represent individuals who are seen as powerful or influential in the dreamer's life. The fact that these characters ultimately turn on Chris Pratt and seek to manipulate him may indicate a sense of paranoia or distrust that the dreamer feels towards individuals in positions of power. Overall, the dream may be indicative of deep-seated fears or anxieties related to personal relationships and feelings of vulnerability. It may be worth exploring these themes further to better understand their root causes and potential solutions.